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31st Arrival
Yesterday 6:44 am
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Johnny You » 45 minutes ago » wrote: I cant help it that I was Born in the USA by THE Beltway.  We were coincidentally conceived and gestated at the same time 60 orbits ago. My ticket to ride on the spaceship was priveledged with seating in First Class.  As time goes on it feels like we are getting moved onto a Led Zeppelin Sloth Mobile.

Five was alive when he spent a week having a conversation with Mark Twain and Robin Williams in the foothills of the California Sierras.  He says they never quite got out of his head,
Mart Twain was a pen name for Samuel Clemons. A sok for an actual person in the mid 19th century doing what people do becoming famous nd remembered beyond their time alive.

Robin Williams was a performer with a severe bipolar disorder that eventually made him give up on his time alive.

Bi polar disorder is nothing more than personal brain in conflict with social consensus where everyone has to surrender their ability to navigate as a sole survivor to defend typecast personalities defined in rule of law regardless serving God(by any name) or Country having to be done simultaneously when occupying time cradle to grave 24 hours a rotation/7 tomorrows a week, 52 weeks a revolution around the star, and living doesn't exceed adapting forward now.

We aren't in the same generation gap. we are in the same moment here with 8.2 billion other sole survivors of their time alive ancestrally displaced today. for years I describe how the numbers change in plain sight yet work the same way every generation gap added equally here in eternal sequence since inception of this species native to this atmosphere.

It doesn't have to be proven, just understood by every ancestor in the moment. No society sustains that understanding. I have been sharing what I understand and I am constantly told I am less than human by everyone dedicated to building better tomorrows than genetics sustains population left alive this rotation including you.

I am treated with respect from people having no respect for life in its natural timing. Patronizing condescension.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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